Shakira on the show Jimmy Kimmel


It turns out Shakira in the list of intelligent celebrities on the results of the test on IQ. The singer even had time to combine a career in show business in the study of the history of Western civilization at the University in Los Angeles. "I did incognito there," says Shakira. - she put on a cap, sports pants ... horse-tail, without makeup. So I managed to hide my personality. I used my second name - Isabelle. " The presenter was surprised: "Well, of course." You like a superman. Clark Kent put on glasses, and no one recognized him! Shakira in a cap? NOTE. It can not be she! "

Brother Shakira named Tony is working with her. The singer told how he once saved her from the attack of the sea lion: "For a start, it was because of him I almost died. I asked him if I could feed the sea lion, and he allowed. We, people, look at wild Animals and see homemade cuties in them. But it is not. This animal jumped on me with the growl. "

The singer has also subscribed to the problems with the figure after childbirth: "First time you look at yourself in the mirror after the birth of the baby and you see Charpets. It takes time to take it. But everything comes back to normal."

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