Jared Leto in the MR Popter Internet magazine. May, 2013


About the environment in which he grew : "I grew up in a very creative world. These were the 70s, the time of artists and hippies. And involvement in such an atmosphere is very affected. I grew up among people who did different things to create something. They lived with the idea that if you are a creative person, then I must do something creative with your life. And it does not matter whether you are an artist, artist, potter or photographer. I had no idea about such concepts as glory, success or money. We grew up very poor, and our world did not extend much beyond our reality. You just have to do what is important for you, and protect it. "

About those who criticize his music : "There will always be people who do not like me. They will say: "Damn it, he is shooting in the cinema, he should not do the music." This is a strange approach. I don't care what to say Julianin Schnabel that he should not shoot movies because he is an artist. Or advise Jeff Kunsu to go working on Wall Street, what does he have to do with the art? I do not want to compare myself with the Snabel or Kuns, but you understand what I mean.

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