Zoe Diagel in InStyle Russia magazine. June 2013


Tonight, the actress takes a short respite. She orders a large tea kettle and soy milk (zoi does not use dairy products and says that he wants to tie with caffeine, but then he drinks one by one three kettle of strong English Breakfast). From its diet is also excluded wheat, and the Deschanel swars like that without her she is a hundred times healthier. Well, her skin is really glowing, there is a spin on his face. Dark bangs, thick eyelashes, blue eyes with suspended, as if charcoal, lower eyelids. In terms of face, light asymmetry is noticeable: the nose is not perfect direct, and when she says, the right corner of the mouth rises slightly - and all this makes it unusually attractive. Absolutely correct faces of colleagues player losing on its background.

In its image there is something close and simple. Some kind of promise of responsiveness and warmth. I understand this while I see how all the evening one after another, the cheapers are suitable to say hello fans and tell her: a) how they like it, b) how they look like it. The star listens carefully, thanks for the compliments, nods, as if she fully understands these strangers. But I see that the actual zoi is much more restrained and cautious than her trustful embellished character. Now the Deschanel is strongly risks to remain the one who everyone knows: naive girl with bangs. And all the strength of Zoi is aimed at going beyond this image, let him bring her an unforgettable success. To run in a circle, like a pony, under the approving shiki of fans do not want her at all.

Zui looks closely exploring the article on how much the status in high school affects potential happiness in adulthood. At the base of the log from the magazine "New York" a simple consideration: the one who was extremely popular in his youth, but in the future I am experiencing failures, still continues to feel much more confident of peers and is easier to experience difficult times. "Well, the hell with them," cheaps cheap. "On the other hand, you can be an outsider at school, and in the future to cope with the difficulties much better than others, because you are also used to try and overcome yourself." The beach parcel between Malibou and Santa Monica, which grew up, was not always quiet and pleasant. "Of course, in my school there were people fully involved in all this teenage life. But not me. I felt like an observer, not a member. I think that being a little outsider - my natural state. I'm not used to rely on someone. But earlier I was very frightening, but now - it is constantly fearless. "

Let the zoi difficult to find friends, but she always felt the support of her family. Her father, Caleb Deshenel - a film operator, a five-time nominee for Oscar. Her mother, Mary Joe Deschanel, and Sister Emily (the star of the series "Bones") - actresses. The family was always very friendly, Zui lived a few years ago with her sister and so far from time to time comes to the parental house "rechail". For a long time to be away from loved ones and native California, she had only once again - during a college study in Illinois. But already a year later, Deschanel received a role in the film "Almost famous" and returned to Los Angeles forever. Since then, she constantly works.

Her friends and colleagues say that all this time is intuitive and very carefully formed their image. "There are everyone from everyone," says Merivaer, "but she also found the courage to believe this one."

The main component of the "brand" Deschanel (forgive us, zoi) - her sense of style. The future star from adolescence bought clothes in second-honds and inexpensive stores: "I had no money, I bought things for 2-3 dollars and tried to successfully combine them. Restrictions of this kind turn you into the present stylist. "

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