Amanda Seyfried on Show Ellen Degensheres


Amanda crushes that she had to part with luxurious forms: "I was much more beautiful in 15 years. I had a wonderful huge chest. And then I moved to Hollywood and decided to lose weight to look thin. I lost my chest .. I do not miss According to her, because it was very uncomfortable. But I looked beautifully beautiful. I was very feminine with such beautiful bends. I think we must appreciate such forms, and not try to get rid of them. "

Ellen asked her guest to tell about her beloved ps. "His name is Finn, and he is now behind the scenes," the actress told. "I can't walk without him to walk without him." He really listens to me! Recently I knocked him a role in his first film. I can not tell anything about his character, But shooting will begin in September. He is delighted with it. " The presenter asked if Amanda loves her cats is also strong. "No," the star admitted. "I love animals, but no one will take as much space in my heart, how much does Finn holds me." He loves me, he listens to me, hugs with me ... "Ellen showed some photos with the dog actress. "We have no romantic relationship ... So far," - I joked Amanda.

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