Paris Hilton on the show David Letterman


The presenter decided to ask what Paris thinks about the problems of Lindsay Lohan. After all, she herself more than once in the center of the scandal: "It is very important to have the opportunity to rely on the family. I have a wonderful family, but I think not everyone is so lucky. I know Lindsay for a long time. We have not seen it for a long time, but I wish her Only the best. "

Paris boasted that he had just opened her 44 store and released 15 fragrances. The lead suggested Paris to try to guess the name of her perfume with his eyes closed. David decided to jerked a little over his guest and splashed to her the wrist cleanser.

The star told about the events that the film "Elite Society" was based: "I wrote on Twitter that I was leaving for Vegas. They frog down my address and decided to break into my house. It happened with Lindsey houses, Megan Fox, Orlando Bloom. .. They almost stole my dog! In the end, they were caught. Someone is now in prison, someone was released. It's scary. Imagine, you leave your house with your own things, and someone spends time there. Very scary ".

Together with Paris, her boyfriend came to the show. "Every time on the show you tell about the love of your whole life ... and every time these are different guys," - noticed leading. "This time, everything is truly. He is a very good guy. Really good. We have almost a year. Meets in New York in Avenue. This is a nightclub." "Of course, this is a nightclub ..." - I could not resist David's comment.

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