Jessica Alba in InStyle Russia magazine. May, 2013


- There are a great many products promoted by celebrities on the market, but few of them have been worked out with such care as yours. How did you come to the creation of Honest Company [Companies for the production of harmless to health and environmental products]?

- When I was pregnant and did a lot of things around the house, I noticed that chemicals contain in all products for cleaning. I tried to find something harmless, but faced the fact that many companies advertise their products as safe, and in fact they only have eco-packaging, and inside the same poison as everywhere. At such a moment, they involuntarily ask himself: "What touches my child?" So I had to create this company. All we do is high quality, safely, and decorated beautifully, so people are drawn to us.

- It was hard to raise a business?

- To start, I needed three and a half years. There were a lot of samples and mistakes. I looked at the preparatory stage and could not go to the finish line. I cried from fear and disorder many, many times.

- Has my husband advised you not to take it close to heart?

- At first he said: "You're just an extremist!" But it happened that I have the best husband in the world. I asked him: "Maybe I will not succeed? Maybe I'll quit everything? " And he answered: "If it is destined, then it will definitely work out, and if not, then you will at least know what I have done everything possible and laid out completely. Try again".

- What about your "worker husband"? Who is he?

- Actually, I have three of them! (Laughs.) They are rather working brothers, and I am a small annoying sister, eternally shouting something vague. But we are connected for life.

- Returning to your real husband: you immediately realized that the cache was the same, the only one?

- Not. When I met him, I just immediately felt that he would now always be present in my life. It was strange: he immediately became me like his own. Everything was so simple. I did not lie with anyone. Usually I have fallen a lot to myself, followed the manners, frightened every time the plug suddenly creaked on a plate during dinner on a date. With him nothing was. We immediately understood each other. We are related souls.

- It's true that you were friends for a while before going to meet?

- Very, very short time. Although we love exactly that way to represent this story (laughs).

- Clearing is still important to you?

- I like extensive gestures from time to time. But more important for me is sensitivity and respect. Romance in our relationship now looks completely different as before. On the weekend cache can say: "Do you want to make a manicure with a girlfriend? Heaven sleeps, and I will play onner. I know you work a lot and earned a little time for yourself. " This is, in my opinion, romantic. So he tells me that I mean that I am more than just the mother of his children or a wife with whom he goes to secular events.

- You have a cache, as well as your parents, a different origin. How did this affect your relationship?

"Having moved to a new home, we have collected hundreds of photos of our moms and dads, grandparents, sisters and brothers, aunt and uncle. And then we wrapped the whole wall in the hall from the floor to the ceiling. Our daughters always remember who they are and from.

- What did you suspect what you didn't have a mom?

- Before my children appeared, I devoted a lot of time to control the space around myself: things were always in their places. Now I like Bardak. No matter how many baskets are with toys, and children who have decided to play and paint, you will not remind about the upcoming cleaning.

- What do your mother get very good, but what does not work at all?

"I love and know how to play and invent a new one, I try to turn everything into a joint process, ranging from dressing and finishing cooking." But sometimes this my multifunctionality brings to full chaos: Suddenly the bathroom is overflowing or I forgot to give my daughter some necessary thing this day for school.

- What designers attract your attention lately?

- I'm just preserved at Narciso Rodriguez. I also liked the joint work of Opening Ceremony and Maison Martin Margiela. I have their black ankle shocks with something like an attached toe that pulls out and turns them into high boots. I like Oak and Cheap Monday. They take classic things and make something cool of them, for example, a white T-shirt is complemented by a neckline in the form of a keyhole.

- What would you never put on, how can it be fashionable?

"Never say" never ", but I will probably never walk in tiny shorts." And I do not like big shoulders, although I am impressed by a strong silhouette of Isabel Marant.

- What does every woman have full right to break?

- On the tailor. No matter, you buy a thing in H & M, Topshop, Target, Forever 21 or in expensive boutiques. If something does not sit, then this thing you only have half. If you give your clothes tailor, you will absolutely look at a million.

- How long do you devote to training and maintain physical form?

- Not at all. Never. I can do nothing for years. Then to work on myself a week and again do nothing for several months. It's nice to live in a clear rhythm and follow yourself, but it lacks me, if only I should not put myself in order for the role. Although the Competitative Spirit is not alien to me, I can participate in the "Racing" in Flywheel bikes.

- Who are your girlfriends? Have you ever traveled with them to rest?

- One of my closest girlfriends is engaged in non-commercial projects, the other writes a curriculum for a large online university. Another girlfriend is a publicist. There is a specialist in aesthetics, a yoga teacher, several housewives, and one at the moment is looking for its own way. We are different. I would really like to arrange a holiday vacation, but the biggest thing I can afford - grab someone from them and put a week of fashion. And then on a day or a maximum of two.

- You somehow said that you would not allow our children to start an acting career until the end of the college. Why did you make such a decision?

"If it turns out that my children became interested in acting craft, I will ask them to start writing and playing a couple of plays." Learn before you start making a living, - the real luxury, and, missing this opportunity, you will not return it.

- When will your daughters grow up, what will you tell them about human relationships?

- Wait and see. I will say that every human act always has a reason. Whatever you say and whatever you do, the world around will respond to it. So be careful, especially during sorrow and joy. The best day in your life will not last forever. But the worst day has the usual end.

The text Lori Sendel, photo Dusan Reljin, the style of Samira Nasr.

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