Ayla Fisher in Fitness magazine. May, 2013


About how she got rid of excess weight after childbirth : "I scored 30 kilograms during the first pregnancy and 32 during the second. Both times I suffered from morning foolishness, so it was fed only with huge portions of pasta with oil and cheese. This is the only thing that went rid of nausea. I needed to start shooting in the "Shopaholic" three months after the birth of the older daughter of Olive. The producer of the film hired coach who was engaged in me three times a week. It inspired, but at the same time it was very difficult. I did not want to fall as a face in the dirt in front of the coach. After the birth of the second daughter, I lost weight gradually thanks to breastfeeding, hikes in Runion-Canyon and classes with a trainer every two weeks. "

On the benefits of yoga : "You not only strengthen the muscles and shoot fatigue. Yoga also helps you to hear your body and consciousness. When you carefully concentrate on your breath, you can throw out all thoughts and everyday experiences out of my head. I like this sense of communication with your own body. It is very soothing. If I'm stuck in a traffic jam or encountered some kind of trouble, I appeal to my practices and begins to breathe. Sometimes it even helps me to decide whether to agree on some role. "

That she wants to be a healthy example for his daughters : "I have two little daughters, and I do not want them to see that I constantly weighed. I do not think this is the right example. "

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