Russell Brand on the show Conan O'Brian


Loving actor admitted that he would like to spend the night with Kardashian sisters. But Jennifer Lawrence is especially attracted: "She is a very beautiful Winner of Oscar. Who would have able to give up sex with such amazing creatures? Every would like to. Even women would say:" It's necessary. "She is so elegant and mysterious. I'm ready to argue, She is just zanoz in the ass, but she is awesome. " The presenter wanted to argue that Jennifer was a very cute girl when came to the show. "Well, of course!" Russell was indignant. "- anyone will come true for ten minutes. Even I can be ten minutes cute. But no one wants to be nearby when my laughter sits."

Russell told a little about Tome Cruz, with whom he was filmed in the film "Rock for the century": "For starters, he is a beautiful man. He is very kind and honey. This is what you need to say if you want to stay in the film industry. He is passionate about this religion called Scientology. I thought it was interesting to me. So sometimes I started sighing, that I was lost in life and I need to send me ... And he: "Well, I don't know. Bible read ". He did not want to devote me to Scientology."

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