Secrets of harmony Kelly Osborne


About attitude towards yourself : "Now I feel much more confident and satisfied than ever. But I am still quite self-critical. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror, and I want to return to bed again and climb under the blanket. Everyone has good and bad days. "

About how she supports itself in the form : "Every day I definitely dedicate half an hour of cardiography. This is usually interval training on the treadmill. Plus some more lesson in the mood: power, yoga or pilates. I have Hula-Hup. I do with him every day. Thanks to this, my back and hands have become stronger, and the waist decreased by 5 cm. Each Saturday evening, we wear funny outfits with friends, take Hula-Hupe and Dance, while the rest hang out in clubs. We call it a club anonymous hula-hupikov. Adam Lambert is his member. We live in the same house. Sometimes random people appear. And the next morning everything hurts, but you understand that it was one of the best nights in your life. "

About your diet : "I eat the fattest food in the morning. If I want pizza, I will eat her day. For lunch, I will limit the salad, and for dinner choose oatmeal. "

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