Anna-Sofia Robb in Seventeen magazine. May, 2013


About girls' problems at school : "I think girls are too worried about what they will be coined. In high school, any problem seems much more serious than it really is. But as soon as you finish school, you understand that everything is left forever in the past. So do what you want. And do not care if people condemn you. You can not fit into the generally accepted framework, but it is normal. I was considered strange in high schools. "

About how she was invited to graduation : "I adore carrots, and my buddy left his carrot traces everywhere, which had to follow. I found the first in my cabinet. Motom one more in the car. And at home the whole room was in carrots. She was lying even in my shoes. Message was made to the last carrot: "If you collected all the carrots, let's go on the graduation". "

That she preferred shooting in the TV School of College : "I am a very spiritual person. I prayed and thought a lot about what I choose: College or shooting in "Carrie" diaries. But I trusted intuition. In the end, what else is needed to move on? "

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