Seth Rogen on the show Conan O'Brian


"It was a very early flight, and I had a strong hangover ... because sometimes I drink a lot," the set began his story. "For some reason, I decided to eat a cupcake with funny components. Probably it. It was a bad idea. Especially if you consider what I did later. I went to the airport and realized that he was hungry. I went to Burger King and saw a novelue there in the menu - "evil novel". It has a halapeno, acute cheese ... I ordered him. The cashier asked for a long time, whether I am sure that I wanted evil novel. I quickly ate him and went to the plane. There I was cut down, but I swept like a maniac because of an evil verper. And suddenly someone woke me The guy with the words: "Sir, you just had a fit!" And I started calling doctors. I was like this: "I had a fit? Yes, I just ate the evil novel in the morning. "Doctor began to inspect me, I was awkward ... We landed, and they tell me:" Sir, do not worry. The ambulance is already here. "I did not want to arrange scenes, so I agreed. They broke into the plane and began to inspect me. I was brought out, and other doctors have already shouted that the car speeds up. The situation became worse and worse. They connected to me Wires ... I finally decided to disrupt them and said: "Calm down everything! I did not have a seizure. I just ate a cupcake with marijuana and evil novel! "

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