Matthew Perry on Show Jay Leno


Matthew has a lot of comic moments in life. Even in tennis, the actor cannot play without failure: "I once played tennis. And I was very good at it. I had a strong feed. And once we played with Chevy Chase at an event with two thousand spectators. I do my own Very strong feed ... And I get Chevi Chase Tua, where the man does not want to get the ball. He falls, he is raised by four guys and carry. Everyone froze. He was taken to the hospital. I was so sorry. I apologized, and he was so mil that he said a very high voice: "no problems."

Another funny story happened to the actor after entering the screens of the film "Sixth Sensitude": "Bruce Willis asked me to give him a reward on People Choice Awards, when he was awarded for the" sixth feeling. "For the scenes, then I chatted with him and M. Knight Syamalan. And six months later I was sitting with friends in the restaurant, and suddenly M. Knight comes in. I greeted him and offered him to sit down. My friends were already gone, and we left one on one with M. Knight Syamalan. We talked three hours. I was pretty relaxed and pretty drunk, and he laughed at all my jokes. And I thought it was my starry hour. I like me. He will invite me to his next film with an unpredictable end! After three hours, my friends returned, I told me They are about it ... And they said that it was not M. Knight! It was some other Indian gentleman. "

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