"In the atmosphere of infinite love": a rare photo from the wedding of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev


Close actresses Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, who fights a severe disease, showed a rare frame made during her wedding with Peter Chernyshev. It was published in an instagram account dedicated to the artist. The other day, the couple noted the 12th anniversary of their union.

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С годовщиной венчания вас, дорогие наши Настя и Пётр! Пусть история вашей прекрасной семьи пишется ещё долгие-долгие годы и принесёт вам множество памятных счастливых дат. В атмосфере бесконечной любви, понимания и абсолютной веры в преодоление любых испытаний! И пусть все высшие силы будут на вашей стороне! ??????❤️❤️❤️

Публикация от Поддержка Анастасии Заворотнюк (@podderzhka_azavorotnyuk)

"Let the story of your beautiful family spend a long-year-long year and bring you a lot of commemorative happy dates. In the atmosphere of endless love, understanding and absolute faith in overcoming any tests! " - Commented on the photo administrators of the microblog.

The picture captures the moment when Anastasia and Peter overlook the church. On the actress, a magnificent wedding dress with a veil, the skater for the ceremony chose a classic suit with a butterfly tie. In the frame, friends look at the lovers, throwing into the air of rose petals.

Fans of the couple joined congratulations and wished spouses for many years of life. Fans support Zavorotnyuk and believe that it will be able to overcome oncology. About the brain tumor, with which the actress lives, has become known in 2019. For a long time, the star was treated in European clinics, she continued the therapy in Moscow.

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