"Feet like hands, head - bump": Comedy Woman's star in Bikini embarrassed social network


From the star Comedy Woman hopes, a set of many fans, most of whom are signed on the Artist page in Instagram. Here it demonstrates subscribers their photos and videos in different images.

The other day, 36-year-old Nada showed fans of photographs in a snow-white bikini. A star stands at the edge of the pool. The image is complemented by sunglasses in a futuristic style, a bright bandana on the head, coarse sandals on the platform and necklace on the neck.

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"Without clothes and filters," the artist writes under the post.

Most of the stars account subscribers praised her photo and noted that it looks very good. True, according to some, Sysoeva too much lost weight and even looks unhealthy. Some fans think that hope is suffering from anorexia.

"Feet like hands, head - a bump", "Looks like an anorexia, not very good, you need to recover", "very thin, ugly", "How tired of this unhealthy thinness." Because of you, our children look and think that the ideal is to be like that, "Follovier write.

Hope itself is completely satisfied with his appearance and does not want to change anything in itself. She gladly poses in front of the camera while relaxing on the sea.

On his page, Nadezhda showed a provocative video on which it dances near the pool under the hit "Dances in Panties" Mirby.

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