"The baby grew up, and the mother is the same young": Natalie shared children's photo of the senior son of arsion


Not every couple in show business boasts a long marriage. Natalie is a rare exception, because they with Alexander Rudine played a wedding 29 years ago. Later, three more men appeared in the life of the singer - this is her sons. Between them a large difference in age. Senior Arseny was born in 2001. After 9 years, his brother Anatoly appeared. And the very small - Eugene - now only 3 and a half years. So Natalie is a young mother.

One of his last posts in Instagram was dedicated to the firstborn. "Today, the baby is 19 years old! Rudin Arseny Aleksandrovich! My favorite eldest son, "the star was gently wrote. And she called Arseny to the baby, because it was at a gentle age that he was captured in the photo that the mother published in the personal microblog. The pictures are made during one of the summer walks. There is even a frame where the boy sits on the pony. I did not forget Natalie to show, and how the young man looks like now. Static, beautiful, open, good smile.

The fans of the singer had a touching congratulation. "Wonderful photos", "as cute", "the same beautiful, like you", "sweet", "Handsome", "Arseny is completely adult", "Handsome grew", "This is a kids, kind well done!", "Padded dad," the subscribers said. They did not forget to praise not only the Son, but also his mother. "What are your beautiful children and you yourself!", "Natalia, for 19 years you have not changed at all! And they became more painted! "," Our Nizhny Novgorod Beauty! ", Congratulations. And you are so pretty, nice, "the fans of the beauty of the singer admired.

It turned out that many subscribers Natalie also had a personal holiday on this day. And they never change traditions - listen to the song in which it comes on exactly this date in the calendar: "Your birthday. Not for a holiday similar: the third of November. " The track of the singer has released another 2nd anniversary of the Son.

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