The star of "Friends" Matthew Perry went fans with a new pet: photo


On Sunday, Matthew Perry presented to subscribers in Instagram his new friend - a poodle puppy named Alfred. The star of the series "Friends" shared a photo on which a pet holds in his arms. "This is me and Alfred Dudle Perry. Which of us is prettier? Do not answer, "Matthew signed.

In his message, Perry also gave a link to the account dedicated to his dog, which was already signed by almost 77 thousand users. On the Alfred Matthew page lay out cute pet photos with funny signatures. "What is a good boy?" - Posted an actor in the Bio of the new page in his recognizable manner.

The first publication on the Alfred page especially delibered actor fans. He posted a charming photo of his poodle and wrote: "If you make posts in Instagram, but you still do not have subscribers, are you still a good boy?"

Previously, Perry caused an excitement among fans, introducing his bride. At the end of November, the actor admitted that he made a proposal "the most beautiful woman on the planet," Molly Gurvitz. And in December published several of its photos. He attracted Molly to the advertisement of his Mercha, the means of selling which was sent to the fight against coronavirus. Perry's followers showered his girlfriend with compliments and noted that she was a little bit like his on-screen wife Monica.

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