Overcame dislexes: Memoirs Jessica Simpson became one of the best audiobook of the year


This year, Jessica Simpson released memoirs called Open Book. In addition to the printed version, the singer recorded audiobook. Recently, her work was recognized as one of the best audiobook of this year.

Recognition was really important for Jessica, as she suffers from dyslexia - a disorder in which a person is difficult to read and write.

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Simpson celebrated his victory in Instagram, writing: "Apple Books, thank you for recognizing and respect for my story. I turned my fears in wisdom, it was an encouraging journey. I appreciate your praise with all my heart. Fact: I have dyslexia, and it was the first time I confidently read out loud. I did it for listeners, for myself and for my family. "

In his memoirs, Jessica frankly told about different stages of life, which came across problematic love relationships, alcohol addiction and sexual violence.

Now the 40-year-old singer is happy in marriage with football player Eric Johnson and raises three children with him - eight-year-old Maxwell Drew, Seven-year-old Aisa Knuta and the one-year-old Berdy May. After the third pregnancy, Jessica slowed down in weight, but over the past year it was incredibly transformed, working on himself.

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