Jessica Simpson shared touching photos with children: "Pig, Mummy and MaleFistent"


Jessica Simpson and her husband Eric Johnson raise three children: Seven-year-old Aisa Knuta, eight-year-old Maxwell Drew and one and a half year old Berdy May. Recently, the star showed how her children dressed in Halloween. The singer's son chose a mummy costume, the eldest daughter became Malefistent, and the youngest - charming pig in a magnificent skirt.

"What cuties!", "Family Adams", "Where did you find such a good suit of Males? Even the cheeks did "," Beautiful Trio, "- Reacted Simpson's followers.

Jessica did not show his costume. But over the past year, she demonstrated a reincarnation more impressive than a costume for Halloween. After the birth of the youngest daughter, the singer has greatly recovered, but decided to take himself in his hands and achieve forge. With the help of training and diet, Jessica managed to get rid of 45 extra kilograms, but it does not stop. Now Simpson boasts an excellent figure, laying out photos in tight clothes, and without it without it.

Favorite stars activity - walking and games with children. "I follow how many steps do on the day. If I do not have time to go through the right distance - I transferred the distance from me the next day. We walk a lot with children - we go to the forest and on the neighboring farms. We play a lot, jumping on the trampoline. You just need to pull out all the accumulated energy! " - told in an interview with the singer.

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