Jessica Simpson refused to role in the "Diary of Memory" because of the bedside scene with Ryan Gosling


In his memoirs, Open Book Jessica Simpson told that he refused to the role of Ellie Hamilton in the film "Diaries of Memory", which Rachel Makadams eventy played.

I read the script and refused, because there is an intimate scene that they did not want to clean. And this scene with Ryan Gosling,

- writes Jess.

Jessica Simpson refused to role in the

Gosling and Simpson met at the Mickey Maus Club when Jessica was 12 years old. The singer says he was in love with the stateling since that time, "when he was not yet hot heart." In the same club was Justin Timberlake. In Memoch, Jessica says that Ryan and Justin argued then who first kisses her. In 2005, Timberlake remembered that he came to visit Simpson.

I was after the divorce, Justin also had no relationship, and he came to me. We had a "nostalgic kiss." But after Kiss Justin took the phone and began to actively print something. I thought: "Okay, I hope it is not a different girl. What if I stopped with the language? It turned out, they argued who kisses me the first when they were about 12 years old. And now he wrote Ryan and said that he won betting. And I am: "Clear. We no longer kiss

- told the singer.

Jessica Simpson refused to role in the

Jessica Simpson refused to role in the

Later, the film "Diary of Memory" Nastig Jessica on the plane on the day when she decided to divorce nickname.

I sat in the first grade and sobbed loudly. And then they announced that we would watch the "memory diary". Lord, this is the most romantic film in the world, and I'm leaving at this moment from Nick ...

- Star shared.

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