"I killed myself with alcohol and pills": Jessica Simpson told about a serious childhood


On the eve of the output of their memoirs Open Book Jessica Simpson gave an interview with People, in which he told that in childhood it was faced with a traumatic situation, which led it to alcohol and tablets.

It all started when Jessica was six years old. Her family often seen friends.

Then I slept in one bed with a family friend's daughter. At first there was a harmless tank, and then very uncomfortable things began to occur. I wanted to tell everything to parents. I was a victim, but for some reason I felt guilt,

- recognized the singer.

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When she was 12 years old, she told her parents, Tine and Joe Simpsons, which happened to her. At that moment the family was on the road, the father led the car.

Mom hit him in his hand and shouted: "I told you that something was wrong there!" But my father said nothing and continued to follow the road. Since then, we no longer stop at those friends. And they never talked about it again

- Jessica shared.

But the recognition of parents did not help the singer to cope with psycho-emotional problems. When an additional stress associated with his career appeared, the State of Jess aggravated, and she joined the pain with drinking and stimulants. Later, the doctors told her that her life is in danger.

I just killed myself with tablets and alcohol,

- noted Simpson. Changes began in 2017, after a party to Halloween. Then Simpson realized that it was necessary to stop:

I told friends that it's time to stop. What if problems started from this, you need to urgently throw.

Friends hugged the singer and promised to support her. Then the parents and doctors were connected to which Jessica addressed. To find sobriety helped her therapy for which she went twice a week:

When I finally said that I need help, I felt a little girl who found his vocation in life. I understood where to go, and remained just to go there without fear. Honesty is difficult, but this is the most valuable thing we have. The transition on the other side of the fear is fine.

Therapy, according to Jessica, was the most difficult part, but she allowed her to deal with injuries. As a result, the singer managed to "bury his pain and anxiety."

Since 2014, Jessica is married to Eric Johnson. They raise three children: Seven-year-old Maxwell, Six-year-old Ais and Baby Bird, whom only 10 months old.

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