Success: Jessica Simpson showed the first weight loss results


Throughout the entire pregnancy, Jessica Simpson supported the connection with fans in Instagram, shared problems and funny stories: the singer managed to break the cover of the toilet, simply leaning on her, fought with insomnia, was concerned in bikini and not only. However, heavier than it was given to the edema of the feet.

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Three months have passed since Jessica gave birth to the younger daughter Berdy May Johnson, and the star finally boasted the first results of training. Simpson published a snapshot of his leg, which was enough for subscribers in the comments showered singer compliments. "You are back! So I am proud of you, "Jessica wrote one of the Folloviers.

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Perhaps, after three months, the fans will be able to evaluate the entire star figure and rejoice at their idol. After all, judging by Simpson's photo reports at Instagram, she hardly trains and will soon be able to touch the feet with the fingers.

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The singer does not scatter and in the photos of Baby Berdy. The next day, the girl was three months old, and Jessica tries to capture all touching and funny moments with her and the whole family.

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Success: Jessica Simpson showed the first weight loss results 78284_5

Success: Jessica Simpson showed the first weight loss results 78284_6

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