The third season of the "Wild West World" will answer the questions remaining with the previous two


In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the performer Rasores Abernati Evan Rachel Wood said that the audience would see in the third season of the Wild West World. According to her, many questions remaining from previous seasons will receive answers.

The third season of the

In addition, the actress spoke in detail about his heroine. She reminded that her character can quickly analyze the situation, read people and build on the basis of the information received strategy. Some things that remained unsubstituted spectators in previous seasons, in the third may be crucial. Her heroine will change in the course of the season:

Because she had a plan from the very beginning, simply no one else knows what he lies. I do not think that the audience expect such a turn of the plot, but they will know more, which actually wants Abernati.

Although the plot of the 3rd seasons of the series was held by the film crew in the strictest mystery, it is known that Abernati will play an important role in this season. She will lead the uprising of hosts (Androids) against people. Assist to her will be a person, a new character who will play Aaron Paul.

The season showed last weekend.

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