Kanye West brought Gwen Stephanie to tears on Sunday service


"My heart overwhelms emotions after I heard the incredible performance of DON'T SPEAK / LORD SPEAKS. I'm shocked that this song turned into a song of worship on Sunday service Kanye, "Stephanie wrote on Twitter. She thanked Rapper and his wife Kim Kardashian and asked to send her a full version of video. In response, Kim sent Gwen three Emodi - Heart, smile with a little and hands, folded in prayer.

We add that the Don't Speak ballad, in which Gwen Stephanie sings about parting with his boyfriend, the NO Doubt Bassist Tony Kalle, is still very popular with Melomanians around the world. Hit, released at the end of 1996, 16 weeks lasted on the first line in Billboard charts and claimed "Grammy" in the nominations "The best performance of the pop group" and "Song of the Year".

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