Selena Gomez about social networks: "This is the Beach of my generation"


"I would say that social networks are the scourge of my generation. I really scares how young girls and guys are vulnerable. It is dangerous, because they do not always receive reliable information. And it is almost impossible to provide cybersecurity now, "the star judged. She more and more than once had to deal with Heyters and inadequate users in Instagram, which she took a break and left social networks.

Selena Gomez about social networks:

Selena Gomez about social networks:

Selena Gomez about social networks:

Selena admitted that he was glad to have such an extensive platform, but now it is in detail to publish and when. "I do not post a lot of meaningless photos. What truly scares me, so it is to meet girls at events and see how empty they are. They have to deal with the Bulling, they do not give votes. You need to be careful and limit the pastime on social networks, "Gomez shared his opinion.

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