Ryan Reynolds revealed the reason why "Dadpool 3" still did not come out


A lot of time has passed since the Disney Corporation has bought a 20th Century Fox Studio, but the future of the Dadpool franchise, which the Fox has owned the rights that there are no official news. It can be assumed that the reason for the downtime is that the audacious, rebel and obscene "Deadpool" does not fit into the "family" format Disney and Marvel Studios, but the artist of the capital role Ryan Reynolds made it clear that all this is the undeclined mystery.

Ryan Reynolds revealed the reason why

Reynolds published on his page on Twitter video, paroding a popular television series "Untangible secrets". Under the characteristic "mysterious" music in the video, frames from the first "Dadpula" shown in blue tones are mounted. The fact is that exactly five years ago, passages from the debut film franchise flowed into the network. In signatures of the video Reynolds said he spent too much time to catch the one who made a draining, because of what Daedpool 3 so far still did not come out:

That is why the release of the next film about Dadpool is so delayed. I still break my head over this mystery. Happy plum anniversary.

Naturally, all this is only another joke of Reynolds, which has nothing to do with true reasons forced "Deadpool" to leave for a long vacation. However, it is possible that thus Reynolds is trying to attract the attention of Marvel to an unusually successful, but now an abandoned superhero franchise to finally solve her further fate.

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