The top model Giselle Bundchen told about the fight against the alarm: "I was looking for help"


Recently, celebrities are increasingly opening and talking about personal problems, in particular, about mental illnesses. Recently, the 40-year-old Bundhen Giselle spoke again about his mental health. She published a post in Instagram, where he said that he suffers from anxiety and panic attacks, and also shared his healing methods.

The top model Giselle Bundchen told about the fight against the alarm:

In my own experience, I realized that nothing lasts forever. Sometimes even a simple reminder that all unpleasant feelings will pass sooner or later, it can become a beacon of hope. Anxiety may seem all-consuming, and sometimes we need a supporting push to escape from a vicious circle of anxiety. I was hard with my panic attacks, and I was looking for help. At such moments, family, friends and specialists, as well as respiratory and meditative practices can help. The most important thing is to jump off inertia and look for an alternative. Life is our greatest gift, and every day is valuable,

- Written Giselle and accompanied the publication of his photo on which she was without makeup and embrace with his dog.

Previously, Bundchen told that to reduce the level of anxiety, it helped the abandonment of coffee, sweet and cigarettes. Also, the model began to run, make breathing exercises and meditation in the morning and moved to healthy eating.

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