Dane Dehaan from the "Singles under Sosses" became the Father for the second time


The other day, Dane Dekhan and Anna Wood shared in excellent news - they had a son Bert Apollo. On this occasion, the actors laid out a family photo, on which their daughter, two-year-old Bowie Rose, holds a little brother in his hands.

So, now we are a family of four ... Welcome to the world, Bert Apollo Dekhan!

- Posted in Microblog Dane.

Dane Dehaan from the

Anna laid out the same photo and wrote:

He is our little rainbow. And not only because of the loss that we suffered before it was conceived. He brought hope and joy into it is terrible and sad for all time. He was born in New York in the midst of a global pandemic. And already became the brave tiny warrior, who reminded us of the need to live and love. We want to learn from him. Meet Bert Apollo Dekhan!

"What an interesting name", "What are you a wonderful beautiful family!", "This child will love. Happiness to you and health, and a little Apollo, too, "Anna, you look wonderful," users write in the comments.

Dane Dekhan is known on the films "New Spiderman. High voltage "and" Valerian and the city of thousands of planets. " In 2012, he married Actress Anna Wood, with whom he met for six years.

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