Star family: Gwyneth Paltrow showed photos with her daughter and mom


Gwyneth Paltrow shared with fans in Instagram's curious photography with her mother, 77-year-old actress Blytte Dunner, and 16-year-old Eppl daughter. On the photo, all three poses in the dresses Gwyneth G. Label Dress Collection, which she recently released. "Three generations of beautiful women!", "Beauties! I adore your mother "," What are beautiful, and wonderful dresses, "Paltrow's subscribers spoke in comments.

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Especially warm, the fans of Gwyneth responded to her mother, the actress, known for the TV series "Colombo", "Mash", a series of films "Meet the faubers" and other pictures.

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Apple is the daughter of Gwyneth and Chris Martin, the soloist of the Coldplay group, with whom Gwyneth separated 4 years ago. Recently, in an essay for Vogue, she shared in detail relationships with him.

My former was always friends. We laughed at the same things, shared impressions, jokes and all sorts of nonsense. We were close, although never completely became a pair. We simply did not fit each other. There has always been a little discomfort and anxiety. But God, how did we love our children!

- noted the actress and the owner of the GOOP store.

As a result, Chris and Gwyneth decided to part "consciously", retaining friendly relations. Now Paltrow is married to the director Brad Falchak, who participates in the life of her children on a par with their native father.

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