Bella Hadid showed the middle finger by the police: "Look stupid"


The other day Bella Hadid was indignant by the police by the behavior in Stories in Instagram. The model published a photo on which the middle finger shows the camera, and behind it there is a group of police officers without protective masks that the authorities of New York are asked to wear citizens to slow down the distribution of COVID-19.

Masks are invented for the safety of all, not only yours,

- Dreeko signed the frame Hadid.

Bella Hadid showed the middle finger by the police:

Then Bella made another frame on the background of law enforcement officers who walked without masks, and wrote:

You guys are stupid.

Bella herself, of course, was in a mask.

Bella Hadid showed the middle finger by the police:

Recently, the star of the series "In all grave" Brian Cranston said that he was infected with coronavirus and suffered a disease in a light form. He also urged fans to wear masks.

I got infected with a virus. Yes. It sounds frightening when more than 150,000 Americans died because of this. But I was lucky, I had light symptoms. I urge you to continue to wear this damn mask, continue to wash your hands and maintain a social distance. We will be able to win, but only if we follow the rules all together. Be healthy,

- wrote Brian in microblog.

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