Alec and Hilaria Baldwin became parents for the fifth time


Alec and Hilaria Baldwin became parents again. The Hilaria itself reported on this page in Instagram. She shared a photo from the maternity hospital, on which he holds a newborn boy on his hands, and wrote:

Last night, our baby was born. He is beautiful, and we are immensely happy. Stay with us to find out his name.

Remembering how difficult Hilaria had to last year, the subscribers congratulate a pair with a special warmth.

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Recall, in 2019 Baldwins survived two losses: Hilaria happened twice the miscarriage. Couple brings up four children and dreamed of fifth child. This year, the actor's spouse became pregnant again, but several months held their position in the secret even from their native children. According to Hilaria, she did everything to support health and preserve pregnancy.

Alec and Hilaria married since 2012. Together they raise a six-year-old Carmen, a four-year-old Raphael, a three-year-old Leonardo and a one-year-old Romeo, who now appeared a brother.

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Alek also has a 24-year-old daughter Ayrend, who was born in his relationship with Kim Bacyinger.

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