Pansy Parkinson from Harry Potter first became mom


The performer of the role of Pansy Parkinson in the films about Harry Potter Scarlett Byrne and her husband Cooper Hefner for the first time became parents. On Monday, a pair was born a daughter, the girl called Betsy Rose.

The news about the birth of a child Cooper shared on his page in Instagram: "At 5:23 pm, we met our baby Betsy Rose Hefner with Scarlett. We are filled with joy and love. "

Pregnancy Byrne Couple did not hide - Hefner laid out photos of a pregnant wife, and also shared with subscribers joy and excitement from the rapid birthday of the child.

In an interview with Edition E! News Cooper said that the daughter was called in honor of his grandmother, Betsy Aldridge Conrad, who died in July of this year.

"My grandmother was a very important person for me and for Scarlett," Hefner said.

Cooper and Scarlett woke up in 2015, and four years later registered relationships. Cooper is one of the heirs of the famous Founder of Playboy Hugh Hefner, who died in 2017.

For several years, Hefner Jr. worked on the Playboy Empire, but in 2019 he left to establish his own media company. Last year, he suspended his business plans to get to the US Air Force, and now he plans to run into the Senate California in the 30th district.

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