Schwarzegger's extramarital son Arnold Schwarzenegger shared a children's photo with his father


On July 30, Arnold Schwarzenegger knocked 73, and the actor was filled with congratulations. Among the congratulations, the extramarital son of Arnold, 22-year-old Joseph Baen - the youngest of his children. He published a rare frame from childhood, where cute hugs with dad.

I wish the happiest birthday dad. You have always been and staying for me alone,

- Posted by Joseph in microblog.

Schwarzegger's extramarital son Arnold Schwarzenegger shared a children's photo with his father 79032_1

Schwarzegger's extramarital son Arnold Schwarzenegger shared a children's photo with his father 79032_2

Baen is the extramarital son Schwarzenegger and his housekeeper Mexican Mildred Baen, who worked for the actor 20 for 20 years and, by the way, was married during his connection with him. The fact of the Son has been hidden for a long time from the public. Although rumors were that Schwarzenegger himself did not know about the child. The news is that Arnold has an extramarital son, appeared in 2011, when the boy was already 14.

After such news, the wife of the actor Maria Schryver filed for a divorce, despite the presence of four joint children with Arni, but officially a couple divorced only in 2017. But since then, Arnold and his younger son began to communicate more and began to go to the gym together. Joseph went to the pope footsteps and also boasts a sports muscular body, which makes on his page in Instagram.

Schwarzegger's extramarital son Arnold Schwarzenegger shared a children's photo with his father 79032_3

About Mother Joseph Arnold also did not forget: he gave her a house, supported financially and giving solid gifts.

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