Rugan, Sikvel and three shells: Sylvester Stallone remembered the "Destroyer" with Wesley Snipse


Sci-fi thriller "Destroyer" with Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock for almost thirty years. The film was released in 1993, becoming a hiring hit. Recently, Stallone plunged into memories of old good times, posing on his page in Instagram post dedicated to the "Destroyer". To this, the actor added such a signature:

I really liked working on this film. Wesley and Sandy were great.

Recall that the action of the "Destroyer" unfolds in the near future, a storytelling about the confrontation between the powerful criminal Simon Phoenix (SNIPS) and fearless sergeant John Spartan (Stallone). Despite the fact that the film at one time achieved commercial success, until the creation of a sequel did not come. However, such an opportunity still remains - in May, answering the questions of fans, Stallone was mentioned that the "Destroyer 2" is indeed in development:

Can we get another "destroyer"? I think that it will happen. Right now with Warner Bros. We work on Sixel, who promises to become a fantastic spectacle. So everything will be, the film will come out with time.

Obviously, Stallone is confident in the rapid release of the "Destroyer 2", although since then there have been no new information about this project.

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