"Without great criticism, but for sure": Arzamasova estimated the work of Averbukha on the "Ice Penche"


The figure skater Ilya Averbukh was producer and director of the anniversary season of the show "Ice Age". The athlete admitted that during the entire project he was supported by the spouse - actress Lisa Arzamasov.

Lisa watched the numbers from the first rows, although she was not always able to come to shoot. But at the rehearsal show Ilya, the spouse did not even invite.

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"She was not on all the filming, but she tried to come ... But at workout Lisa did not come. This is a separate kitchen, and there is no place for the third, "said Averbukh in a conversation with the publication" 7days ".

Having extensive experience in the movie and the Arzamasov Theater even gave advice on the artistic part, but she tried not to criticize the work of her husband.

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"She looked at the show, made the records, and then very carefully told me where it was possible to make a room better. She did it without great criticism, but at the same time very accurately, "the skater told.

Averbukh added that they and young wife are very happy. He feels in a new family as in a separate world, where both are comfortable.

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"We are very happy with Liza. We found our microworld, our energy and very much, "Ilya shared with a smile.

The novel of 47-year-old Ilya Averbuch and 25-year-old Lisa Arzamasova called a lot of relief. Most of all discontent caused the difference in the age of lovers. At the end of 2020, the stars got married.

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