Fatherhood changes: Liam Pain told how a 3-year-old son helped him


In a new interview, People magazine Member of the One Direction group Liam Pain told a little about his life as a father. Together with the former beloved Cheryl Cole, the singer brings up a three-year-old son Beara Gray, who, according to Liam, returned his love for winter holidays.

"He revived Christmas Spirit in me. I left the parent house at the age of 17, since then the Christmas has become for me to others. I got the opportunity to sink close to the gifts and give them comfort, but for me this holiday itself became some empty. With paternity, everything changed: I understand Christmas again, "Paine shared.

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The singer noted that now, when his son has grown, the holidays have become more fun, because a three-year-old child began to understand the festive mood. "Now he is in the subject! Recently, he watched "one house" and he really liked the phrase from there: "Merry Christmas to you, a dirty animal!". She became one of the first phrases that he said. So funny! I don't need anything else, "Liam noted with Laha.

According to People, the singer holds holidays with its bride Maya Henry. Although rumors were rumored at the beginning that the couple was parted.

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"Recently, the relationship between Liam and Maya was tense, and in the end they decided to end it. At the end of last year, he was very busy, and when he was freed, they looked at their relationship with Maya. It turned out, they want different things. As a result, Paine and Henry decided to go different roads. But Liam about this seems to not regret and wants to leave everything behind, "said insider in February.

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