Jay Z will be a safer at the wedding of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian


"It was the best news for Kanya, when Jay Z sent a gift with the inscription" from Schafer, "said Insider. - The gift was the whiskey for 10,000 dollars in a gilded bottle inlaid by diamonds. It is assumed that Kanya will open it on the wedding day. Kanya almost jumped from happiness. He was very happy. I came home to Kim with the words: "Baby, look! Look! Jay and Bi will come! " Canya in the end persuaded Jay Z change its original decision not to go for a wedding. In this case, he would leave the groom without a shower. "

Recall that Jay Z and Beyonce decided not to go to the wedding of buddies, because they did not want to participate in the realistic show Kim. To convince the capricious guests, the future newlyweds were even forbidden to TV channel E! Take shooting during the ceremony. "They used the North Contract as an excuse," the insider told. - According to the contract, they may refuse to shoot any moment of their lives in which the baby takes part. So legally all agreements will be observed. "

The informant added that TV channel E! I went to meet Kim and Kanya. Shooting a reality show will lead before and after the ceremony, but not during her. The canal will show on its air only a photo from the wedding. Mandatory condition - on these frames should not be Beyonce and Jay Z.

In the meantime, it is rumored that part of the pictures of West and Kardashian want to sell Vogue magazine. Against this Beyonce and her spouse do not mind. They are ready to appear on the pages of the fashionable Bible, of course, only after the coordination of each frame.

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