Olga Buzova Friends on "House 2" confirmed her divorce with Dmitry Tarasov


The topic of the program was, however, it is devoted not to the division of "Taraisikov", but an accident that happened between Dmitry Tarasov and the hope of Fedoseenkovka. The woman argued that the footballer deliberately provoked the road accident due to some aggression, which arose on him on the soil of disagreement with his wife. Boris Korchevnikov, a leading program, asked Olga's friends, which was the reason for the disaster in the family. Tatiana Kirilyuk replied that he worked the "Boomeranga law": according to the ex-participant "House 2", in someone else's misfortune, in a married man from the family, you will not build your happiness. Recall that the novel with Olga at Dmitry was Oksana's spouse, who gave him the daughter of Angelin-Anna in 2009 - and many were believed that it was Buzov to blame for the first divorce of a football player.

But Rustam Solntsev, on the contrary, accused Dmitry Tarasova, calling him a rude and tactless person. A former participant "House-2" spoke about how once personally met with a football player: "There was an unpleasant incident - we met at the airport. Suddenly he flies on me, waving his hands, begins to shout. He had claims that were not found on anything. Allegedly I talked something bad about him in social networks. "

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