Mikhail Terekhin is ready to resume relations with Ksenia Borodina


Mikhail held a whole broadcast in the Social Network "Periskop". The former Beloved Xenia said he was very regrets that her family life was ended so quickly, in his opinion, the marriage with Kurban Omarov had to exist for at least two years. But he warned her about it. The girl did not hear and did not obey. The ex-beloved tried to personally express his support to Borodina and call her, but his number was in her blacklist. This, according to Mikhail, is very strange, he counted that Ksenia unlocks it. Trejin plans to "attain" with her when Borodin will become idle again. In the meantime, he will not do anything, because it is not necessary for the star itself, and they are still officially husband and wife.

Recall that Mikhail Terekhin is a former Beloved of Ksenia Borodina, they met in 2011 at the Realistic Show Playground "House 2", when Terekhin was one of the project participants. Star couple lasted for several years, but ultimately the relationship, after numerous public scandals, ended.

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