Jessica Alba about unhealthy desire for perfection: "I woke up at night in the sweat"


Jessica Alba is a famous actress, a businesswoman, an exemplary wife and mother of three children. Of course, combining these duties is not easy. The celebrity admits that he had literally experienced himself, but during Quarantine learned to control the thoughts and began how she herself was expressed, "more solid."

So, the 39-year-old Alba in an interview with the American magazine Women's Health told that he had previously paid a lot of strength and time not only work, but also the desire to get the perfect figure. At fitness training, she literally brought himself to exhaustion until the whole body began to root terribly. Plus to everything - a strict diet.

"Previously, I was constantly waking up among the nights - in sweat, with a rapid heartbeat and a feeling of panic. I was striving all the time to perfection, scrolls every small, stupid item in my head. I think for women it is common. But it's just abnormally, "Jessica admitted.

Now the actress, as soon as the tide of panic feels, is trying to make respiratory gymnastics, which allows her to look at things more soberly. Because of this, she stopped demanding the impossible from his body. Now Alba is engaged in Pilates, during which it can even see an interesting podcast. It's easier for it to relate to the diet. Now the celebrity limits himself only four times a week, and on Friday, Saturday and Sunday eat and drinks everything that she wants.

According to Jessica Alba, this difficult for all the year made it look at many things at a different angle. Now she understands that the main happiness lies not only in a successful career.

"To me came to understand that I feel joy from the little things. For example, we can play with children at dinner, walk through the whole family, look like a younger son shows a trick on his scooter. This is what is really important, "said Alba.

The Hollywood Star gave advice and all the rest of the girls: do not be afraid to make mistakes and look for answers to all questions. Sometimes you just need to start the day with love.

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