"Nothing heard nothing": The stars "Beverly Hills 90210" responded to the revelations of Jessica Alba


Jessica complained about a strange rule, prohibiting the actors to look at each other in the eyes.

On the set, I could not look into my eyes to any of the actors, which was really strange, especially when you, for example, make a scene with them. It was something like: "You are not allowed to meet with your eyes with other actors, otherwise you will be thrown from the set."

Before Alba, none of the actors who were shot in the series did not talk about it. Her words caused the reaction of other actors of the series, which, as it turned out, heard the rules for the first time.

Ian Ziring, who played Steve Sanders, said that "nothing heard nothing", meaning the requirements that allegedly nominated Alba.

I do not doubt her words, but I doubt that she said to her someone from the actors. Maybe something like this was told on advertising records. And knowing the people with whom I worked all my life, no one would ever say so. It is impossible to even imagine that someone asks someone on the set not to look into his eyes, especially Jessica!

Said Ziring. And added that the alba's statement about the negative atmosphere on the shooting of the series upset him.

Also, Jessica responded to other major roles. Jason Priestley noted that he did not hear about the rule not to look into the eyes, and added:

Of course, I do not know what eventually the experience of Alba received on the set of our show. But I would never allow her to feel so.

Tori Splain said that she was "horrified" from the words of Jessica. But Jenny Garth suggested that it could ask Alba not to look into her eyes, but she doesn't remember exactly.

If someone wanted to be not looking into the eyes, then it was me. But I do not remember what I asked about it. I remember working badly with Jessica, but I remember that she is very nice and talented.

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