"Favorite, you are my hero": Leading "Good Morning" Timur Soloviev became his father


Recently it became known that Timur Solovyova was born daughter. The TV host himself published confirmation of this information in his microblog. He posted a picture made in the hospital - near the bed of his beloved, which was separated from childbirth. The showman himself looked a little tired in the photo, but very satisfied. "Daughter. Thank you, your loved one, you are my hero! "Signed a photo of the lead program" Good morning. "

Solovyov's subscribers began to ask what the baby got the name. And, of course, congratulated Showman with replenishment in the family. "Congratulations!", "How did the girl called?", "Timur, congratulations on the birth of a daughter! Happiness and health of your family, "wrote network users.

Recall that Solovyov in August last year married his beloved Anna. It was she who became his mother's mother. About marriage presenter did not report anyone to spend a holiday in a circle of friends and relatives. Moreover, during this period, the coronavirus pandemic was in full swing, and the beloved Showman was already in the position - and they did not want to risk their health and the health of the kid.

Interestingly, the period of pregnancy Anna Star Couple also hid from the public and the media. Solovyov did not post photos with the beloved, and Anna's herself showed only Selfie, on which there was no noticeable change in her figure.

Note that the showman was prepared for the emergence of his firstborn. He placed his spouse in the clinical hospital "Lapino", which is trusted by many stars of the domestic show business. The leading "good morning" and he himself attended the fees of the wife.

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