Mystery Wedding: Leading "Good Morning" Timur Solovyov for the first time married


The 38-year-old leading "good morning" on the first channel Timur Solovyov first brought his beloved before the registry office. On the eve, enviable bachelor reported that he decided to be cooled and acquired his wife.

Муж и жена? #finnaly #officialy

Публикация от Тимур Соловьёв (@timursolovyev)

"Husband and wife," he signed the frame shortly, showing the chosen.

It is known that the second half of the TV host name Anna, she appeared in the star microblog. The wedding of Timur became a surprise for his fans, because he never reported love and did not publish joint frames with his companion.

Previously, he met with Anna Caster, who was even going to legitimize relations, but unexpectedly they announced a break. After that, there was an affair with an actress Yieva Andreey, but he turned out to be short. Apparently, the attempts of Solovyov to acquire the family still ended successfully.

Сегодня САМЫЙ СЧАСТЛИВЫЙ ДЕНЬ В МОЕЙ ЖИЗНИ! Друг женится!!! Самый лучший мужчина на самой лучшей девушке! Пусть для них это будет один ста тысяч потрясающихся и счастливых дней!!!! И самые-самые обалденные моменты ещё впереди!!! Счастья вам @timursolovyev и @anna.bashmet !!! Я вас люблю! И пусть все люди вокруг вас обожают!!! Поздравляю!!!!! #свадьба #радость #счастье #лето #друг #ура #наконецто #вотоносчастье

Публикация от svetlanazey Зейналова Светлана (@svetlanazey)

Fans, looking at lovers, approved the choice of stars and wished a couple of love. "Great! Long and happy years together, "- wrote a colleague of the leader Irina Muromtseva. "This is the news! Congratulations!" - fans rejoiced. "Suddenly!" - Others were surprised.

Another star of the first channel Svetlana Zeynalov personally congratulated newlyweds with a wedding. In his microblog, she published photos with the bride and the bridegroom, saying to subscribers that the "best man" is already busy.

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