After the loud fiasco: the star of the "magnificent century" the Tag Sarytash will return to the screens


Turkish actor Tagge Sarytash received a role in a new project. Low ratings of the series in which he was filmed, gave the artist's reason to work more actively and over the character.

?: @zeynepmayruk

Публикация от Tolga Sarıtaş (@tolgasaritas_)

The picture "Ferkhat and Shirin" did not achieve success that she was propheted. The audience took the series with the coolness, and the creators remained unhappy with his ratings. But the directors did not shift the entire guilt on the cast, and the artists called to other projects.

The series "Zadira" promises to stand in one row with the greatest events of the season of 2020-2021. To the main roles were invited by the Thiem Sarytas and the beauty of Aich Aishe Turan. The highlight of the picture will be the plot, because the screenwriters approached the story from an unusual side.

Публикация от Tolga Sarıtaş (@tolgasaritas_)

Events will be twisted around the modest guy Ali Fit and Beauty Khalid. The authors of the show hold the plot details in strict secrecy. The director of the project became Regga Karagaz, and I will produce a picture of Gweentum.

In the creative piggy bank, Sarytas, many works, among them there are more and less successful. Popularity came to the actor after the role of adult Shehzade Jihangira in the "magnificent century." This series opened the door for him not only in successful film projects, but also in well-known brands that made him the face of their advertising campaigns.

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