Irina Shayk, Adrian Lima and other supermodels starred in the "remake" of the video of George Michael Freedom


Fully video has not yet been published, however, in Instagram models and Vogue magazine already appeared several passages from the clip (although it is not clear whether George Michael himself took part in this or the creators of the video decided to restrict himself only his songs). Irina Shayk, Adriana Lima, Joan Smallrs, Anna Evers, Andrea Diaconu, IMAN Hammam and Grace Hartzel participated in the video.

Couldn't get enough of my @marcjacobs closing outfit.. ?? Had to wear it for @voguemagazine and #FreedomNYC ??? @gvsgvs @jordenbickham @georgemofficial @jimmypaulhair @susiesobol_makeup

Видео опубликовано irinashayk (@irinashayk)

FREEDOM ??? @themarcjacobs @gvsgvs @jordenbickham @voguemagazine #freedomNYC THANK YOU

Видео опубликовано Adriana Lima (@adrianalima)

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