Justin Tera commented on the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Petya


Answering the question of a journalist from the publication Business Insider, the actor said that now the most difficult times are experiencing children of the stellar pair. He himself grew up in an incomplete family, so he knows this problem. He also condemned the press attempts to involve his wife in this drama. According to him, people love to "dig in dirty underwear", although there are many more important things in the world that it is worth talking about.

As a person who survived the divorce of the parents, I can say that this is a terrible news for children. People pass through difficult times. And I don't want to comment on everything else. Mention Jennifer in this story I consider nonsense. It is a pity that surrounding spend your time reading the scandalous news. Many will answer that they are not interested. However, it is the demand that gives birth to a sentence. There are many important things in the world worthy of universal attention.

Justin made it clear that reports about the comments that Jennifer Aniston released about the divorce of his ex-spouse with Jolie - the fiction of the yellow press. Revealing the secret of them with an aniston marriage, he stated that he had the same sense of humor and with his help many problems decide.

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