Madonna was accused of photoshop abuse


A few days ago, Paparazzi filmed Madonna while visiting a boxing party in New York. The singer for his 58 years looked flawlessly - the same shock of the hair, practically no wrinkle, just the real age of Madonna immediately gave hands, whose skin cover characteristic pigment stains and wrinkles. Fans drew attention to Madonna's hands in the pictures that the singer lay out, and that picture that was made by random paparazzi - and it became obvious that almost all the photos of the Madonna itself were processed by Photoshop to disguise signs of aging of the skin of the hands.

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Now it is clear why the singer often appears on the stage in long gloves - this is not an accessory that complements the image, but just the necessary thing that will hide a real age. Fans of Madonna in social networks took advantage of the case and urged the singer to behave according to her years - to stop shining the public "bare" costumes, belts, chains, leather and other attributes of an eccentric image of an aging singer.

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