Dmitry Shepelev accused the family of Zhanna Friske in egoism


Shepelev notes how simple people have so vividly reacted to Zhanna's disease. The gigantic folk wave of love and compassion shook the then Shepelev and his wife, and gave them the strength to fight. "From somewhere, from the depths of Russia, I send a photo: a small rural church, white with blue making, before entering stretching -" Pray for Jeanne ... People prayed for Jeanne. Our request turned the gigantic wave of love and support. Unprecedented by his scope ... Jeanne supported frantically! Sincerely and from the bottom of my heart ... Jeanne forced people to talk about the disease, which in Russia speak, in general, not accepted. This personal tragedy, when overnight beautiful, successful, sexy woman turns out of pop icons in a patient, from a person who is admired, in a person who regret, "he remembers.

But speaking of the family of the singer, Shepelev did not resist and condemned the actions of her relatives, accusing them in egoism. In his opinion, native Friske were delighted with the fact that everyone began to pay attention to them. "It seemed to them, it's great that Jeanne is being discussed again. And it is not so important that the subject of discussion is its health, it does not matter that there is a lie on every page. It is important that Zhanna Friske is in the spotlight. Neither then nor now I was not clearly understood by their habit of dragging home toilet paper, full of gossip and speculation. However, it was and remains their lives, "the presenter writes.

Recall that the relationship between native Zhanna and her civil husband is left to desire the best. There was a serious struggle for the right to bring up Plato between them. After the death of the singer, her father, Vladimir Kopylov, has repeatedly stated live on no warm feelings for "civil son-in-law". After that, Dmitry Shepelev forbade the Friesk family to see his grandson.

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