10 films with the stars of "Avengers", which will be released in 2017


Chris Evans

Immediately after the "confrontation", Captain America threw the shield and left to act in good family cinema - in April 2017, the world premiere of the film "Gifted", in which Chris Evans company made up his girlfriend Jenny to Slight. In the "gifted" Evans playing another good guy - his hero will fight in court for the right to custody over the brilliant daughter of the deceased sister.

10 films with the stars of

Frame from the movie "Gifted"

Trailer "Gifted":

Scarlett Johansson

March 30, 2017 The film "Ghost in the Armor" will be released on the screens of cinemas - the film is shielding Japanese manga and anime with Scarlett in the lead role. The new role of Johansson is not so far from the role of black widow from the film marvel - in the "Ghost in the armor" heroine Scarlett will have to quickly run, it is not to shoot and fight evil. But in July 2017, Johansson can be seen in a fundamentally different role - the Comedy "Rocky Body", where the heroines Scarlett, Zoe Kravitz, Demi Moore and Kate McCinnon will first light on the bachelorette party, and then get rid of the truth of the stripter.

10 films with the stars of

Frame from the film "Ghost in the Armor"

Teaser Trailer "Ghost in Armors" with Scarlett Johansson:

Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen

Falconary eye and a sharp witch will reiterate on the big screen - but no longer under the wing Marvel: Jeremy and Elizabeth in 2017 will take off in the Wind River thriller in the company "Walking the Dead" and "punisher" John Burntal. The film will tell about the FBI agent and a small town police officer, which are united to investigate the murder in the Indian reservation. The exact date of the premiere of the film, unfortunately, is not yet.

10 films with the stars of

In addition, Elizabeth Olsen in 2017 can be seen in the drama "Light on the broken glass". The film will tell about the aging actress of Melody Harper (Patrishia Clarkson), which is preparing for the formulation of another Broadway show and for the first time thinking about the fact that her once brilliant career comes to an end. Olsen will play a young "version of the" version "of the main heroine from the past.

Tom Hiddleston

In addition to the "Thor: Ragnaret", which will be released on the screens of cinemas in November 2017, Tom Hiddleston next year it will be possible to see in another large-budget blockbuster - the adventure film "King Kong: Skull Island", the premiere of which is scheduled for March 9, 2017. Hiddleston Breek Larson and another "resident" of the filmmoven Marvel - Samuel L. Jackson. The film takes the viewer in the 70s of the last century. The main character organizes an expedition to the island of a skull, ever-covered fog, which was once caught King Kong to find a missing brother and a certain mysterious substance. During hard search for travelers, there will be a nightmare world of monsters of a terrible island.

10 films with the stars of

Frame from the film "King Kong: Skull Island"

Trailer "King Kong: Skull Island"

Paul Rudd

The small member of the Russian national team of Avengers in 2017 will divide the on-screen time with Alexander Skarsgard, Sam Rowell and Justin Tera in a fantastic thriller "Mute", whose action unfolds in Berlin of the 2050s. Leo Beiiler's main hero (Skarsgard) - Smey Bartender, who goes in search of a missing beloved girl and meets the strange couple of American surgeons (one of them plays just half of Radd). Leo cannot understand who his new acquaintances are: whether they can help him, whether he should run away from them.

10 films with the stars of

Sebastian Stan.

After it turned out that Sebastian Stan signed a contract with Marvel immediately nine (!) Films, it became clear that the fanate from the Winter Soldier was now fashionable - and not only MCU fans, but also Hollywood producers. In 2017, it is not necessary to miss Baku Banks for sure: Stan will appear immediately in three full-length films.

October 13, 2017 will be the premiere of the Criminal Comedy "Little Logan" from the creator "Eleven Friends of Osuhen" Stephen Golberga - a movie with a truly star cast, in which, in addition to Sebastiana Stan, Daniel Craig, Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Katie Holmes and a lot others. "Logan Logan" will show robbery during the NASCAR race.

Also in 2017, Stan can be seen in the screening of the novel "We always lived in the castle" along with Alexandra Daddario and Thasa Farmyig. The drama will tell about the Blackwood family, which after a series of killings of family members lives in isolation in the estate in New England - but the unexpected appearance in their lives of Cousin Charles, who hunts for family wealth, destroys this idyll. And yes, the role of "lousy sheep" and a hunter for family money went to Stan.

And finally, the third project of the Winter Soldier in 2017 is the film "I'm Not Here", in which Stan will work together with J. K. Simmons, Mandy Moore and Max Greenfield. There is no accurate date of the premiere of the film.

10 films with the stars of

Frame from the movie I'm Not Here

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