Idris Elba attribute a novel with a model of Jordan Dunn


A few days ago, the instagram Madonna appeared video from the battle with the participation of Idris Elba - Singer supported her friend during his debut in the ring, and the tabloids saw in this sign of romantic relationships between the stars. Elba then hurried to refute his connection with pop Queen in Twitter, and later stated that he just perfectly spent time with the singer.

This time, 44-year-old Idris flirted with British supermodel - 26-year-old Jordan Dunn. Eyewitnesses saw them together at MTV Europe Music Award 2016 in Rotterdam. Idris and Jordan were literally not moved away from each other. "He behaved like a real bachelor, spent the whole evening with her and won all the time. In the third hour of the night, they left the parties together, "says the eyewitness.

At the moment, Idris Elba did not comment on the situation. It is worth noting that Elba is in the status of enviable bachelor for 15 years. After in 2001 he divorced the actress Dormova Sherman, Idris no longer decided to create a family. In this marriage he was born daughter of Isan, which is now 14 years old. A few months ago, the actor broke up with the girlfriend of Nianyan Garth, who gave her son.

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