Prince Harry confirmed rumors about the novel with Fors Major Star Megan Marc


In the appeal of Prince Harry, in particular, it is noted that all the pervolored borders moved to his personal life, all the permissible borders and prevents Megan to live normally:

"Last week, Prince Harry Megan's girl was oppressed and persecuted. All this was on the first bands of newspapers. Sexy, racism and offensive jokes are now filled with social networks and comments on the network. Mother Megan is forced every day to make his way to the house through the crowd of reporters. Photographers and journalists give bribes former boyfriends Megan and pursue every person who her roads. "

The fact that Prince Harry is found with Megan Plant, it became known just a week ago - but the novel of celebrities has been long for several months and, according to rumors, the prince even introduced its new parent with his family. Megan Marcles itself still keeps silence and does not comment on his novel with a member of the Royal Britain's Royal Family, although her personal life has already managed to discuss with the press and her former boyfriends, and just familiar.

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